Painting Black: No more black phone, please?

No more black phone, please?

I want a white e398!

What’s with my phone? Smart called me up last week because a replacement unit that I requested since day one just arrived. After all the bureaucratic hassles of signing this and filling that, the shock came out as not so shocking anymore. The replacement unit is another BLACK e398. Grrr!!!! I wanted to lash out on the poor customer service rep but thought better of it. I love the color black, i just do not want a black phone. Calmly, i told the customer service rep that she needs to tag my record that I specifically want a white phone and that I never requested for black, ever. With that, I ended up with my old phone speckled with dead pixels. Lovely.


Blogger The Pink Suicidal Lemming said...

The concept of phones being segregated due to race baffles me.

2:14 PM GMT+8  
Blogger shaui said...

Thanks for reading my entry Pink Suicidal Lemming. Well, I've no problem with pink if you ask me. It's just that the black e398 looks masculine unlike the white one. It's more on aesthetic issues and not to discriminate in any way. My apology if I offended anybody.

2:30 PM GMT+8  
Blogger knottydon said...

I forgot about you having a blog too, girl. Now I'm adding you in my list too. Oh, by the way, I found out that you just visited my blog. Teehee!!!

7:16 PM GMT+8  

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